Monday, December 1, 2008


At least once a month, I try to go to the Beverly Center with Dobby so together we can practice working on escalators. Now the Beverly Center is a big mall with five levels of parking above ground and three floors of mall space on top of that. The mall was designed to be entered by escalators that climb up the side of the building to the sixth floor. There are elevators which take you into the mall and to get to them you have to work through the Macy's Men's Store on the ground level. Most of the time, I take the elevators to get into the mall where I can more easily prepare Dobbs for escalator practice.

Now for a dog, riding escalators can be a very dangerous thing; less so for a trained guide dog but it's still dangerous. A dog's paws can get caught in the collapsing steps, in between the steps and the grill which clears the grooves on top of the steps as they collapse and recycle to the opposite end of the device. In fact, just about two months ago, at the Beverly Center, there was a serious accident when a woman forced her small dog to ride on an escalator and it's paw got caught and mangled. Security tried to keep her from getting onto the device with her dog (who was resisting getting onto the escalator) however the woman ignored the warnings and forced her dog on anyway only to have the situation end in disaster. Dogs aren't generally allowed in the mall although in Los Angeles, little dogs have become a fashion accessory and people tend to carry them around in their handbags where ever they go. You'd be amazed at some of the places that Dobbs and I have had dog encounters but I'll leave that for another post. The point of me telling you all this is that, in spite of Dobbs' training, escalators can be very dangerous for him and there is a risk every time we ride them.

In order to keep Dobby as safe as possible, he has to wear shoes when he rides on escalators. Dobby has a set of four Vibram soled booties that protect his feet. He also wears them when the sidewalks are too hot during the summer and could burn his pads. Now, Dobby doesn't like his shoes all that much. He tolerates wearing them but prefers to not have them on. I guess it must feel kind of like walking on the moon for him while he's wearing them. Normally, he can feel the ground with the pads on his feet and when he's wearing his shoes, the ground must feel like it's disappeared. For the first five minutes after putting his shoes on, Dobby high steps around and tries to sit down off his feet. I take out my cane and heel him around the first level of the mall until he gets used to having them on his feet and then we head for the escalators.

The Beverly Center has at least 20 sets of escalators, probably more, I've never tried counting them but suffice to say there are plenty of opportunities to practice riding on them. Once Dobbs gets over sulking about having to wear his shoes, he actually kind of likes riding on the escalators with me. For him it's all a big fun game and another chance to earn praise and an occasional food reward for a job well done. Not to mention that Dobby enjoys doing things with me and riding on escalators is one of the many adventures he enjoys sharing with me and I with him.

Right after I first graduated from guide dog school, I avoided riding escalators with Dobby for about 6 months. Having to stop, put on his shoes, get him comfortable in them, etc. just to ride between two floors didn't seem to make a great deal of sense to me when there was a perfectly good elevator available. But as with anything we don't do regularly, our skills can become dulled if they're not practiced occasionally. As time wore on, this began to weigh on me and I realized that if I was forced to ride an escalator with Dobby some day because there was no alternative, I would be remiss if I didn't occasionally practice riding them with him to keep his training sharp. What I discovered was that I was the one who needed the practice. Dobbs knew exactly what to do. He's an incredibly bright dog and its situations like this that make me realize just how smart he really is.

I won't bore you with a step-by-step description of how we work on escalators but the key thing is to have Dobby moving when we get on and when we exit. One of the biggest worries is that in a crowed situation, people coming off of the escalator behind us can rapidly build up if we don't get out of the way quickly. It's that part of the process that is most nerve racking for me and it's good to practice the techniques in a real world, crowded mall environment. What I've found is that people are very understanding and realize why I'm repeatedly going up and down on the escalators. Actually, a lot of people are really surprised to see me riding with Dobby at my side. It's a fairly unusual sight. People aren't generally allowed to have things like strollers or objects with them so seeing me with my dog on an escalator causes quite a lot of double takes (or so I've been told). The security staff at the Beverly Center loves it when I bring Dobby by to do some practice. They think its good for the general public to see just how much effort it really takes to keep a dog safe on an escalator and they hope that by having me practice riding on them in such a conspicuous way that a greater sense of caution will hopefully rub off onto the general public. Let's hope they're right...

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Dobby and I went to the Getty Center (between the time I had the cold and first pulled my back) and I've been chomping at the bit to tell you about the experience. Confidentially, Dobby and I have been there together several times and the staff at the museum really loves it when I bring him by for a visit. They are always so amazed at how well behaved Dobby is, so confident in fact that the security staff at the museum no longer follows us around to make sure that he isn't accidently walking me into the priceless exhibits; which is a real act of faith because, unlike most other museums, at The Getty, you are allowed to walk right up to the artwork with no ropes or barriers of any kind between you and the masterworks. The Getty Center is, after all, America's equivalent of The Louvre and it's such a remarkable experience to be able to go there with my dog.

It's an unusual feeling working Dobbs through the galleries, pausing to stand and admire paintings by the likes of Rembrant and Rubins (with my monocular). Dobby, sits patiently at my side waiting for me to finish. Occasionally he lets out a groan of boredom so I try not to linger in the galleries for too long of a time. Dobby is so diligent and I'm amazed that he doesn't get fidgety walking ten feet then stopping then walking ten more feet and stopping. He likes the walking around the museum part but the stopping and staring at paintings and sculpture part he could do without.

The Getty has an amazing outdoor sculpture garden and Dobby loves working through and around it. There's a little stream with bridges and a winding path through a grassy field that he particularly enjoys the challenge of negotiating for me. The path was designed with sharp switch backs that wander down the hillside of the garden. He also enjoys sitting on their outdoor veranda soaking up the scene while I sip a soda and take a break.

Confidentially, I think that, in part, he enjoys The Getty so much because of all the attention he gets from people while we're there. I can't begin to tell you the number of times that people (visiting The Getty from all corners of the world) have expressed surprise and pleasure over seeing a guide dog at the museum. I think Dobby fits right in with all the masterpieces on display. He's pretty darn special and I enjoy giving him a chance to really show off what he can do. I'm looking forward to our next visit...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted anything new in quite a while. Right after I got over my cold and was ready to start writing again I pulled my lower back and haven't been able to sit at my computer for more than a moment without the pain becoming overwhelming. Needless to say, working Dobby while having a pulled back muscle has been challenging (Motrin and I have become good friends). As you might have guessed, my back is improving (which is why I'm able to write this) and hopefully within a few days I'll be able to sit long enough to write in detail about what Dobby and I have been up to.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new for over a week, I've been sick with a fairly bad cold and I haven't had the energy to post anything new. I have a lot to write about, I just need to get the energy to do it...

Friday, October 17, 2008


It was a very hot afternoon in mid September and working Dobbs around the block to his usual relieving spot wasn’t really a good option. Instead, I heeled Dobby using my white cane down to a small piece of grass by the back driveway of my apartment building so that he could relieve himself.

Now, the day before, Dobby had gotten a bath and oh, was he excited. A full day later he was still bouncing off the walls, prancing around as if to say, “Look at me! I’m so pretty, I’m so pretty and clean!” Right after he had gotten his bath at the grooming salon, he was so over excited by the whole experience that I had to stop him several times en-route to try to calm him down enough so that he could re-focus on his work. Needless to say, Dobby can be a real character sometimes.

As Dobby is wandering around the little patch of grass, he relieves number 1 and I’m waiting to see if he’s going to do number 2 when one of my neighbors, Susan, walks up to us and says hello. Dobby likes Susan a whole lot and I put him into a sit and he gave her his paw. I then put Dobbs into the down position and began chatting with Susan about the latest news from around the building. Well, unbeknown to me, someone had previously dropped a whole banana onto the cement right by the edge of the grass and it had been baking in the hot sun for quite some time. Now, I pay close attention to what Dobbs is doing at all times. I’ve caught him occasionally trying to “sample” things in the grass while he’s sniffing around looking for a good spot to do his business so he knows that I’m watching him. He rarely if ever tries to eat anything on the ground any more but I still keep my eye on him. That doesn’t mean, however, that interesting items on the ground don’t attract his attention from time to time and on this day, that banana, apparently, was fascinating to him. Now Dobbs knew better than to try to eat it but without warning he decided that rotten banana would be a perfect thing to roll around in. Thank goodness he didn't have his harness on when he did it, what a mess that would have been.

Suddenly, I was aware that Dobbs was rolling on his back. I leaned over to scratch his belly thinking that he was still just excited from his bath and because of the fact that Susan was there. Susan said, “Oh my gosh, you do realize that Dobbs is rolling around in an old banana on the ground.” I said, “What! He's rolling around in a banana?” “Yep,” she said, “an old rotten one and it’s all over him.” I ran my hand down Dobbs’ back only to find it covered in warm, rotten, smashed banana. Dobbs was SO proud of himself. I couldn’t believe it. “Dobbs,” I said, “you just got a bath yesterday!” He was wagging his tail so hard it was hitting the side of my leg with a loud “thwap!” “What am I going to do with you,” I said. Susan thought it was kind of funny. I wasn’t that amused. I broke off our conversation and heeled Dobbs back up to my apartment where I tried to clean him off as best I could. It soon became apparent that I was going to have to take him back to the grooming salon to get him re-washed. Of course Dobby was pleased as punch with himself and pranced as he walked down the sidewalk all the way back to the salon. They were nice enough to re-wash him at no charge for which I was very grateful. They’ve earned my business from now on.

Looking back on the whole incident, now I think it's hysterical though, as I've said, at the time, I wasn't amused. I guess the moral of this story is that no matter how well behaved your guide dog may be, he’ll surprise you. Dobbs is crafty when it comes to things like this. He finds ways of following your commands, but does them in ways that while technically follow the letter of the law you’ve laid down; still allow him to do what he wants when you least expect it…


It happened in a flash, without warning and came within a whisper of leaving Dobbs and I seriously injured and it wasn’t a traffic check.

Monday was a very hectic day and Dobbs was a real trooper. Somehow, I had appointments piled one upon another, back to back and without any breaks all day long. He must have walked nearly five miles before this incident happened and he had handled the entire day with his usual calm collected demeanor, never complaining, never loosing his focus or diligence. He was just enjoying spending the day on the road with me and I have to admit that I was really happy to have him along with me to keep me company in the midst of my hectic schedule.

It was the late afternoon around 5 o’clock and we were coming back from Hollywood where I had just had to return to my pharmacy to have them correct a mistake they had made earlier in the day when filling one of my prescriptions. It was hot, the bus was crowded and people were in an unusually crabby mood. An elderly lady had made everybody grumble because she had insisted that the bus driver extend the wheelchair ramp so that she could get onto the bus with her walker only to ride one block and then hold the whole bus up for 10 minutes while she got off again. She had made Dobbs and I get out of our seat at the front of the bus so she could get by us with her walker and she was rude about it. So needless to say the bus ride wasn’t going all that well to begin with but what happened next is unprecedented and I still can’t believe it happened.

As the elderly lady egresses the bus, a young man who had apparently been out getting drunk in the afternoon at a pub, got onto the bus. According to the bus driver he was so drunk that he couldn’t even get his dollar bill to go into the bus fare-collecting machine. She had waived him to just go and sit down because we would have been there all day waiting for him to pay his fare and the bus was already behind schedule due to traffic. The guy passed by Dobbs and I who was seated normally minding our own business. He nearly tripped and fell over my feet that I was using to protect Dobbs and keep people from stepping on him. He said “sorry,” and blundered on down the aisle deeper into the bus to find a seat. I could smell the alcohol on his breath he was so drunk. I was going to be glad when this bus ride was over.

The bus started up again and traveled for a minute or so when suddenly the driver had to slam the brakes to avoid smashing up a car that had cut the bus off in traffic. Everyone on the bus was thrown forward. Those of us who were seated weren’t too seriously jostled around and I had a good firm grip on Dobbs so he didn’t go flying off anywhere. However, the drunk guy who had just gotten onto the bus had apparently chosen to try to stand up rather than take a seat and he was thrown, through the air, from somewhere in the mid section of the bus all the way to the front of the bus slamming into the fare collection machine head first. As he flew past Dobbs and I, he brushed both of us with his body. Dobbs pressed himself up against me and I pushed myself back into the seat to try to avoid being injured but the truth is that by the time we had reacted to the situation it was already too late to avoid it. Had the man’s flight path been just a few inches more towards us he would have taken both of us out; potentially seriously injuring both Dobbs and myself.

Several people got up out of their seats and went to the man’s aid. He didn’t say anything. Frankly I’m amazed he wasn’t killed. The bus driver pulled over and rather than the man waiting around for help to arrive to check him out, he just fled the bus over the objections of the passengers and the driver.

Honestly, I consider myself lucky not to be in the hospital right now and not to have Dobbs lain up in the animal hospital with serious injuries or broken bones. This episode hasn’t put me off riding the bus. I really don’t have any other way to easily get around LA with my guide dog (given that Access Services can’t seem to figure out that I need a VAN and not a tiny car for transportation. But that’s another story) and so the bus is my only real option regardless of how I feel about it. I guess I should chalk the whole experience up to the idea that, hey, living in LA may be many things, but it’s never boring...

Sunday, October 12, 2008


One of the most common questions I'm asked about Dobbs is, "Does he ever get any time off from work?" "When he's at home, does he get to just be a dog sometimes?" "When the harness is off," I say, "he's just a dog and he loves to play like one." Dobbs' favorite playtime game is tug. Whether it's keep-away tug with his Kong or just good old fashioned pull-tug with his Tug Ring, Dobby is a relentless and crafty dog. I love playing with him because it brings him so much happiness. Being a Guide Dog is hard work and Dobbs deserves all the time off he can get.

The other game Dobbs loves to play is fetch. Now fetch, as a rule, is usually discouraged for a guide dog because it can cause obsessive behavior to develop in a dog. One day you'll be working down a street and a bird will fly by and bang! off the two of you go in hot pursuit. Fetching isn't a normal behavior for dogs, as hard as that may be to believe, but is rather a learned behavior. I didn't teach Dobbs to fetch, somebody earlier in his life (prior to living with me) taught him to retrieve but he's got such a diligent work ethic that his playtime fetching hasn't ever shown any sign of spilling over into his working life.

The one problem that I have with fetch is in throwing out his chosen toy to retrieve. He likes to fetch his Nylabone and tossing that across the apartment can be a bit of an act of faith; faith that I won't hit or break anything with it. Dobby can go on fetching for a good half an hour before he tires out. Sometimes his dad (me) tires out more quickly than that but I keep going because I know how much he loves it. When you're in guide dog school they tell you that you need to try to schedule at least fifteen minutes per day to play with your dog. If Dobby got anything less than an hour and a half to two hours of play per day I think he'd go into withdrawal. As I've said, I don't mind and he willingly stops playing when I tell him "that's enough" so it's never become an obsession with him.

One regret that I have is that I haven't been able to secure an outdoor enclosed paddock where I can take Dobbs from time to time to let him run around and really chase after his Kong. Since it isn't safe for me to take Dobby to a dog park, due to the risk of a dog attack or his inadvertently contracting an illness from another dog, this is the one aspect of my guide dog transitional plan which I haven't been able to fulfill since returning home from guide dog school earlier this year. But I'm still looking!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


As I've said many times before, Dobbs is a great guide dog. He’s smart, focused and really performs his job well. He rarely misses a curb or jumps the last step on a flight of stairs. He threads me through some of the most challenging situations without a hitch and almost never misses a beat, almost. Occasionally he has his moments where his halo slips a bit, when he’s hungry. When my Dobby is hungry, sometimes he can be a real handful. When he’s hungry, all he’s thinking about is getting home so he can get fed. He’s in such a hurry he practically drags me down the sidewalks. He occasionally doesn’t listen to my commands and his only interest is to expedite our excursion so he can get home.

Take today for example. I needed to go to the store this afternoon to pick up a few odds and ends. Now Dobbs’ normal feeding time is at 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon. Around 2:30 p.m. we headed out to Gelson’s Market, which is about a mile down Santa Monica Boulevard from my place. I used to have a grocery store that was closer but it recently closed for renovation and so Gelson’s is now really the only option that I have for grocery shopping within a reasonable walking distance. In a way it’s great because I get to work Dobbs on a longer and more challenging route and he really loves to get out of the house and work. Dobbs often prances down the street as if to say to the world, “Look at me! See how special I am. See what I get to do!” He can be a character sometimes. But I digress.

From the moment we headed out, Dobbs was in a hurry. He wanted to get to wherever we were going and that was that. At first I wasn’t sure what was up with him. It was a bit windy so I chalked it up to that and put it out of my mind. Our route began normally enough. We had the usual number of dog distractions along the boulevard, which he handled with his usual calm, collected demeanor. He stopped me for a few cars pulling across the sidewalk in front of us and we pulled over at his usual favorite piece of grass to relieve en-route. Everything seemed normal and that’s when the trouble began. We approached a somewhat unusual corner on Holloway and Santa Monica Blvd. Now I wanted to do what is called a “curb to curb” turn in order to reorient myself to cross Santa Monica Blvd. rather than proceeding forward across Holloway and down the same side of the street. After stopping me normally at the curb, I gave Dobbs a right command to execute the turn and rather than listening to what I had said and paying attention to my foot work, Dobby tried to go forward to take me across the street instead of doing the curb to curb I had requested. I immediately called out a “halt” command, commanded him to “heel” and put him in a sit and a down to get him re-focused. It didn’t work.

By this point it was nearly 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon and I began to realize that Dobbs must have been getting hungry early. I got him up from the down position, got him into the ready position and gave him another “right” command. Instead of going right he again tried to take me across the street. He was bound and determined to cross that street. This time I had to give him a collar correction and a “No!” You have to understand, Dobbs rarely if ever needs to be given a collar correction since he’s normally such a well behaved dog that it’s always a bit of a shock to him when it happens. I again put him into a sit and a down hoping that the second time would be the charm and he would calm down and re-focus on the task at hand. Again, I got him up after waiting for a minute or so, got him into the ready position and gave him another “right” command. This time he did execute the turn but he leaped forward dragging me along with him nearly pulling me off balance (And yes, I was in the correct ready position. That's what kept me from falling).

What I’ve noticed with Dobby is that when these episodes happen, the situation tends to snowball and the errors begin to mount one upon the other in succession because he's confused and is trying so hard to do what he thinks I want that he ends up making more mistakes. Dobby just wants to please me so much that he gets frustrated and when he does the wrong thing he overcompensates and tries to take the initiative to prove that he’s capable of handling my requests and that he's a good boy. Dobbs is a sensitive dog and sometimes can be a bit needy and these kinds of episodes are the darker side of that yin and yan of his personality. He so much wants to know that I still love him that he becomes fearful that he's lost that love and gets overwrought. The only way to overcome this vicious cycle is to stop him, put him into a sit and shower him with all the love he can handle and then move on as if nothing has happened. Did I mention that through all of this I had a bag of dog poop in my hand the entire time? That’s originally why I wanted to cross the street instead of heading forward in the direction we were originally traveling because I knew there was a trash-can on the opposite corner where I could drop off my little white plastic bag of joy.

Dobbs and I finally crossed Santa Monica Blvd. successfully, he found the trash can for me with his usual diligence and then, when all seemed like it was relatively back to normal, Dobby showed he had other ideas. He wanted to head back to home and tried to take me back across the street rather than proceeding on to Gelson’s when I gave him a forward command. His "independent streak" went on all the rest of the way to the market. Once there, he behaved himself while we were inside but he started up again once we were back on the road towards home.

I ended up doing two obedience routines with him en-route to try to help him get his focus. It didn’t work. I did some traveling "sits" and "downs" (where you stop every 10 feet or so and put the dog into a sit and a down for a few moments and then repeat it again 10 feet later) with him to try to get him to focus on listening to me. That sort of worked but the closer we got to home, the more he was bouncing off the walls (so to speak). He blew through a curb (which he almost never does) and rather than re-work the entire intersection with him I figured the best possible thing I could do was keep heading for home so he could get fed. If I had tried to re-work the error by re-working the entire intersection it would have been a huge struggle to get him to focus and it wouldn’t have helped him to not make the mistake again in the future because his mind was elsewhere. Sometimes, you've got to know when to cut your losses and at this point, my Dobby had a one tract mind, he simply couldn’t think about anything else but getting home for dinner. I’ve come to realize that one of the strongest forces in Dobbs’ life is his stomach. He doesn’t behave this way every time we’re late getting home for a meal but when he does, he can be a real handful. I still love him to death. As his trainer Holly was fond of saying, “Dobbs is a really well trained dog but he’s still a dog,” a point which Dobby occasionally reminds me of in spades…

Saturday, October 4, 2008


One hot summers day back in late July of this year (2008), Dobbs and I had been waiting for a bus on Sunset Boulevard for nearly an hour. Buses on Sunset often run at irregular intervals due to heavy traffic but this bus was particularly late in arriving. When the bus finally pulled up I could tell there was something weird going on. The driver didn’t open the door right away and left us standing in the hot sun for nearly a minute before he finally opened the door and let us board. The heat is really stressful on Dobbs and if I hadn’t needed to be out traveling that afternoon I wouldn’t have been. I wasn’t sure what to make of the delay but I was glad to get into the air conditioning for both my sake and for Dobbs’ and so I didn’t think much of it and put it out of my mind for the moment.

As I boarded, I waived my bus pass in the air for the driver to see, got to the top of the steps on the bus and called for Dobbs to follow me on board which he did. As Dobbs scrambled up the steps the Driver said, “There’s a seat behind me on the right and watch out for your dog, there’s a cat on the bus.” “Huh?” I said, “a cat?” “Yeah, right across from you,” he said with no further explanation. Just then a droll woman’s voice began speaking, “Oh, now this will be interesting.” She paused. “This will be a chance to do some teaching and learning.” I just ignored her and got to my seat and got Dobbs into his sitting position, between my legs, so that the Driver could proceed.

Dobbs was very interested in the cat across the aisle from us but I didn’t realize that the cat wasn’t in a kennel. “He’s a beautiful dog,” said the droll woman seated across from me. “Thank you,” I said, “He’s my best buddy.” “I see he’s attentive to my cat,” she said, “I have a guide cat with me over here and I can see that your dog is very interested in him. That’s good. That means he’s doing his job.” Now at this point I’m thinking out loud and inadvertently blurted out, “Guide cat?” “Yes,” she said, “I have a guide cat which is much superior to a guide dog in both training and temperament.” I pulled out my monocular and looked at the woman seated across from me. She was rather disheveled with wild brown curly hair and draped over her shoulder was a scrawny, white, shorthaired cat. The cat was just laying there letting her run her hands over it but it was defiantly eyeing Dobbs.

Now to be fair, I had heard about this woman from several bus drivers who had asked me some very pointed questions in the past about what constituted a legitimate service animal and whether or not I had ever heard of a service cat before but I never figured that I would actually cross paths with this person. Apparently, the MTA management was trying to figure out if they could deny this woman access to their buses as long as she had her cat with her. I had previously told the drivers that I simply didn’t know the answers to their questions but I had never heard of such a thing and didn’t believe that cats were trainable and therefore would unlikely be used as service animals for that reason.

At this point, I became concerned. There’s no such thing as a guide cat and so I knew that this woman was either working the system or more likely was a few bricks short of a full load (if you know what I mean). While I knew Dobbs wouldn’t get out of control or go after the cat, I had no idea as to what the cat on the woman’s shoulder would do. I was growing increasingly worried that if the cat sprang at Dobbs or attacked him in some other way, the woman would have no way of controlling her animal and Dobbs could be injured and/or refuse to work afterwards if attacked. Pets aren’t allowed to ride the bus unless they’re in a kennel because of health and safety concerns for the general public and for the safety of service animals like Dobbs. I also guessed that the reason the driver had not opened the door was likely because he wasn’t sure what was going to happen with my dog and this woman’s cat. As it turns out, my guess was close but more on that later.

I decided that I had no choice but to act. One of the things that become very apparent while you’re in guide dog school is that the welfare and safety of your guide dog is paramount. Ultimately, an individual person’s safety and well being depends upon your guide dog and anything that could erode or jeopardize the dog’s well being is by default jeopardizing a person’s personal safety. This woman was placing my dog in jeopardy and thus my safety in jeopardy, unintentionally perhaps, but her behavior was by definition reckless nonetheless.

I realized that directly confronting her and demanding that she leave the bus with her cat was beyond my authority and only the bus driver or the police could remove her from the bus so I took another tact, I began to barrage her with questions about her “guide cat’s” training. Questions that I knew she would be unable to answer because her cat had no training because there’s no such thing as a guide cat. My hope was that the bus driver would be listening and would hear enough to realize that this woman was lying to him in order to bring her pet cat with her on the bus.

I asked the woman which school she had attended to learn how to perform guide work with her cat? No answer. I asked her whether or not a cat used the same kinds of commands that a guide dog used. She reacted. “No, you need to read the ADA,” she said. “I’m allowed under the ADA to have my guide cat with me on public transportation. You need to learn about the ADA.” I said, "Madam, I’m blind. I know all about the ADA. I’m trying to find out how much training you’re guide cat has and who did the training.” “No, you’re not allowed to question me. You need to go to and read the rules about access for service animals,” she said. “I know all about the rules for access,” I said, “what I want to know is what proof you have that your cat is a legitimate service animal. I’m concerned that your untrained cat might attack my dog and harm him. For me this is a safety issue. I’m merely asking you questions which you should have no trouble answering.” All she could repeat was that I needed to go to and look up the rules. By this point the driver had heard enough. Just as we pulled up to the stop on Sunset and Highland, the bus driver spoke up and told her that if she wouldn’t answer the questions I was asking then she could answer some questions he had for her about the legitimacy of her “guide cat.” Well, she suddenly realized the gig was up and said, “This is my stop anyway. Next time maybe you’ll all be aware of what says and won’t be so ignorant of the rules and will be more considerate.”

She got off the bus (with her cat thank goodness) at which point everyone around me let out a collective sigh of relief. Apparently, she had been torturing people with her endless talking about her service cat prior to me getting on the bus. During the time that the driver had held me on the curb before opening the door, he had warned her that I had a dog and that she needed to keep control of her cat or he would put her off the bus. It seems that when I started questioning her, she had become extremely nervous, as I had hoped she would, but not because I was challenging her but because she knew that the bus driver was already suspicious of her cat.

To be honest with you, I don’t feel bad about doing what I did. My guide dog is the most important thing in my life and his well-being comes first above and beyond the feelings or desires of other people. I have a contract with Guide Dogs for the Blind which clearly states that I agree to advocate for the safety and well being of my guide dog should the need arise. The school retains ownership of the dog. Dobbs is merely on loan to me from the school. If I don’t live up to my end of the bargain, they can, at their discretion, remove Dobbs from my possession and reissue him to someone else in order to protect their investment in his raising and training. By trying to scam the system, this woman had forced me into a position where I was required to intervene for the well being of my dog. Clearly, she hadn’t though through what would happen if someone else got on the bus with a legitimate service animal. I haven’t seen the woman since that day nor have any bus drivers asked me about service cats. I can only hope that this means she is no longer trying to scam the system or has been permanently barred from riding the bus.


Well, it’s happened again. Dobbs and I were cut off attempting to cross a major intersection. This time is was the corner of La Cienega and Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills. We were about two thirds of the way across the street when a car ran through the red light, crossed through the crosswalk in front of us cutting Dobbs and I off nearly hitting us before making a right turn and zooming off. I wish I could see well enough to read the license plate on the cars that do this to us. I’d like to report them. The one possible saving grace this time is that the intersection is equipped with an automatic traffic ticketing camera system and hopefully the person was caught on camera running the red light. Frankly, I’m amazed that the person didn’t have a serious accident. La Cienega and Wilshire is an extremely busy intersection 24 hours a day. I don’t know how many cars travel through there each day but it must be in the tens of thousands.

Dobbs handled the incursion with his usual diligence. He stopped me and backed me up a bit to keep me away from the car. Honestly, I don’t know how I survived traveling around Los Angeles when I was using my cane. Given the number of traffic checks Dobbs and I have had it’s a miracle that I wasn’t hit crossing major intersections before I had him to watch out for the crazies behind the wheel driving in this town.

These events are always stressful on both Dobbs and I. I’ve gotten more accustomed to the idea that these sorts of things are part of traveling when you’re visually impaired but nothing ever really prepares you for them. They're always startling and a shock to the system when they happen. Dobbs always seems really freaked out by these incursions at first and then settles down within a few minutes. I always stop once we’re in a safe place and give him a few dog food kibbles and a lot of love.

For about a week after the event, Dobbs tends to be over protective of me stopping to show me every crack in the sidewalk and obstacle in our path. If there’s a possibility that a car may get within ten yards of us he stops me. What I’ve found is that the best way to get him past this behavior is to be patient with him, encourage him and most of all keep him working. I think he’s handling the stress of these events better and better each time they happen and I'm always so proud of how he takes care of me when we're confronted with these kinds of challenges.

While we were together in Guide Dog School, we had a particularly close call working a route. The stress of that event caused Dobbs to throw up soon after we got back to the dormitory. Gratefully, he hasn’t done that since then. Each time we have a traffic check he seems to be taking it more and more in stride. I don’t blame the poor guy for being stressed out by LA drivers though; I know I am. He has a lot of responsibility watching out for inattentive and discourteous drivers and there are an awful lot of them in this city…

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Let’s get it all on the table up front; Dobbs is a rock star. He’s gentle, friendly, affectionate and diligent. He works incredibly hard, rarely makes a mistake and really watches out for my well-being wherever we go together and people notice.

Whether we’re on the bus, in the grocery store, at the mall, waiting in a reception area or just walking down the street, people actively go out of their way to engage with me about Dobbs. He’s a people magnet. I’ve lived in my current apartment for over seven years and until I got Dobbs, I had hardly met any of my neighbors. Now I know all of them. At times the attention he draws can be overwhelming. It’s always the same kinds of questions: How old is he? How long have the two of you been together? How much training has he had? Did you have to pay for him? and so on. It’s not that I mind answering people’s questions, because I don’t. Having a guide dog makes you an ambassador for the guide dog program and in a way you are always on display when you’re working your dog. It’s just that sometimes I begin to feel as if I’m Dobbs’ publicist fielding all of the inquiries from his adoring fans; and believe me; he has a lot of fans out there in the general public.

Don’t get me wrong; Dobbs is the best thing that ever happened to me. His presence in my life has made all the difference. I get out of my apartment a lot more. I’m not afraid to travel places because I know he’s with me. The likelihood that something bad will happen is infinitesimal. Not to mention that he’s also my best buddy and I adore him. I love it when I’m sitting on the sofa at home and he lies down next to me putting his head in my lap so I can stroke his ears. He lets out a big sigh of contentment that melts my heart. He also loves to play tug and fetch relentlessly but I don’t mind. I really enjoy all the time that I spend with him. The effort that properly caring for him takes is not a burden. After all, he takes such good care of me that he deserves nothing but the best. At this point, I can't imagine not having him in my life.

Maybe it’s the close bond between us that attracts all the attention from people. I’d like to think so. I’d like to think it’s more than the fact that Dobb’s is an amazing dog that attracts all the attention. But, at the end of the day that may be all it is. Perhaps it is Dobbs’ world and I just live in it. If that's the way it is, that's okay. Dobbs' world is a great place to live...

Monday, September 29, 2008


Back in July I wrote an email to my mobility instructor about an experience that I had with my guide dog. I thought I would share that email here to help people get an idea of just how amazing having a guide dog really can be...


I imagine that from time to time the question must come up with some of your partially sighted students as to why having a guide dog (given the commitment and effort having one requires) would really be all that much better than merely traveling with their cane. Well, I can now offer you a true story that can clearly explain the value of traveling with a guide dog as compared to traveling only with a cane for a partially sighted person.

Last night, being the brave sole that I am, I went to a movie at the Century City Shopping Center's AMC 15 theatre at 9:45 p.m.. I know that going to a movie sounds pointless but I can catch about half of what's on the screen and besides, getting out and doing things with my guide dog is important for both of us. Well, I haven't been to the Century City Shopping Center without sighted guide since it was remodeled and then I've only been there three times prior to last night and always during the day. I used to know my way around that mall like the back of my hand, at one time I had an office in Century City and I ate lunch at that mall every single day.

Westfield Shopping Centers sure did a number on the the place when they remodeled it. It's now a hopeless maze and bares absolutely NO resemblance whatsoever to it's old layout. In the dark, despite the lighting from the storefronts and signs, because of my near total blindness at night, I was utterly lost in the complex with no hope of orienting myself.

Earlier in the evening the mall was fairly busy and making my way to the theatre complex wasn't too terribly difficult. With Dobbs' steady lead and the help of several nice people giving me directions to the front entrance of the AMC 15 Theatre located on the second level of the mall, I was able to find my way there without too much hassle. I knew I was turned around a bit but as long as I went back the way I had come, I wasn't too worried. As you can imagine, after the movie let out around 11:30 p.m., things didn't go as I had planned and finding my way out proved to be a whole other story.

Unfortunately, when I exited the movie theatre, it was from a different door than I had entered into it from. You know how they do that sort of thing late at night when they want to usher people out by the fastest means possible so they can go home? Suddenly I found myself lost and disoriented outside a completely different entrance to the theatre than the one where I had entered. The theatre door had locked behind me and worse still, the mall was deserted, dark and there wasn't a sole around who could help me with directions. The AMC theatre building is located to the back of the mall where the Gelson's Market used to be and is planted right in the middle of a maze with no clear, straight forward cardinal points method of orienting yourself. I had no idea where I was, where the elevators down to the first level were located (and of course couldn't see them, much less find a map of the mall to get my bearings) and I could only guess as to the direction back to the street. And just to make this situation a bit more stressful, I had less than 15 minutes to find my way back to the bus stop on Santa Monica Blvd. or I would miss my bus home and have to wait another 40 to 60 minutes for the next bus.

Well, bless my guide dog. After realizing just how daunting a pickle I was facing, I remembered the motto they pounded into my head in guide dog school "trust your dog." I took a deep breath, paused for a moment and then with as much courage as I could muster, I gave Dobbs a "Dobbs, find the elevator" command and held my breath. He paused for a moment, looked around and then off we went making a bee line across the open courtyard to somewhere off in the distance and after a minute, without even so much as a hesitation we arrived perfectly right at the elevator doors. Sophia, it was remarkable. I've always believed in Dobbs and knew that he was capable of doing some amazing things but this was more than I could have ever imagined. The feeling of gratitude that was welling up inside of me nearly brought tears to my eyes. I just couldn't believe finding the elevators had been that easy.

But the story doesn't end there. After a moment I found the elevator buttons, pushed the bottom down button, the door opened, we entered, I guessed which button inside the elevator took me to the first level ( guessed correctly) and lickety-split we arrived at the first floor level. The only problem was that we were still stuck in the labyrinth and I had no clear idea which direction to take to get out. Again, I took a deep breath and gave Dobbs a "forward, outside, find the stairs" command and off we went. He wove back and forth around planters, dodged in and around storefronts, went left and right around corners and a few hundred yards (and a few minutes) later, boom, we were standing right at the front stairs of the mall where we had come in. I nearly cried. It was the most remarkable experience I've ever had. I had no idea of where we were, where we were going or what he would lead me to. I was utterly at his mercy and he didn't let me down. I never imagined that he could perform at such a high level before last night. I love my cane, Sophia, you know that, but I love my guide dog 1000 times more. My cane would have kept me safe but without Dobbs, I would never have found my way in time and would have spent at least a half hour to forty-five minutes fumbling my way around that mall trying to find the way out. When we got to the bottom of the stairs I halted him and gave him the biggest hug you can possibly imagine. If there was ever any residual doubt in my mind about whether I really needed a guide dog, this experience washed it away forever.

Once I finished giving him a big hug, he then amazed me yet again. The bus stop on Santa Monica Blvd. isn't far away from the bottom of the stairs where we were but, as a team, we had never been there or used it before. So, once again, without any clear idea if Dobbs would actually be able to accomplish my request, I held my breath, peered blindly into the dark and gave the command "Okay Dobbs, find the pole." After a momentary pause, off we went weaving our way through the valet area, around objects, signs, etc. and back and forth along the twisting path made by the sidewalk in that part of the mall. Without ever having seen that bus stop before, Dobbs not only found it but took my right to the bus sign without making a single mistake. In school the training staff pounded the idea of learning to trust and follow your dog into our heads but I hardly imagined until last night just how serious they were about the level of trust I needed to have in my dog. I always knew that Dobbs was very smart, well trained and really well disciplined but, holy smoke, I never could have imagined just how brilliant and capable he really is.

Moments after we arrived at the bus stop, a bus pulled up and we boarded, heading for home. Sitting on that bus I gave him the biggest hug you can imagine all the way to my bus stop. If your O&M students ever want to know why a guide dog is so valuable and worth making the effort to have, you just tell them this story. I can't begin to express just how amazing my experience last night really was.




Dear MTA Manager,

I am a visually impaired person who travels with a guide dog. I regularly ride Metro Busses and Rail services in order to travel around Los Angeles. Up until today, I had never had a service dog access related problem with one of your Bus Drivers. When I attempted to board Metro-Rapid Line 761 at the Westwood Blvd./Lindbrook Drive bus stop at approximately 3:00 pm Sunday September 28, 2008, I was confronted by your driver who demanded that I prove that my guide dog was a legitimate service dog or he would not let me on the bus with him. Please keep in mind that my dog was in his harness and that I worked him up to the door of the bus to board. Apparently, your driver is unaware that a guide dog harness is a restricted item that cannot be purchased by the general public and remains the property of the guide dog school that issued it. Any dog wearing a mobility harness is supposed to be automatically accepted as a service dog because there is no way for anyone to obtain a harness unless they have graduated from a guide dog program, which both my guide dog Dobbs and I have. I do travel with my Guide Dog Handlers License issued by Guide Dogs for the Blind but have never had to present it because, in the past, your drivers have always understood that the harness was proof of legitimacy. Had this situation risen to the level where it was necessary for me to bring out my Handler’s License, I would have however, after a brief disagreement, the driver relented (unhappily) and let me board the bus. My issue is that this driver needs to be reminded or made aware of what a guide dog harness is and that any dog wearing a guide dog harness is a legitimate service dog and should not be questioned.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


"We certainly regret the incident. Due to the number of 761
buses that operator in the area, can you please confirm the 4-digit bus

Metro Customer Relations
(213) 922-6235"

I'm sorry that I cannot. I am not really able to read the identifying information on the outside of the busses due to my visual impairment.


Thank you. We will go ahead and forward your email to the Division for
this line. That way management can review procedures with all the

Metro Customer Relations
(213) 922-6235


For me, the ability to confidently travel by myself in public and function independently in my daily life has restored a sense of normalcy that I had lost when my eyesight was compromised and I became legally blind in September of 2006. Prior to receiving O. & M. (orientation and mobility) and I. L. S. (independent living skills) training my life had become cloistered. For the first ten months after I lost my eyesight, I resisted the idea that I needed help. I was holding out for the hope that my vision would be able to be restored surgically and I wouldn’t need to use a cane to get around and that the whole “blind thing” was a passing problem that would be resolved and put behind me within a few months.

During that 10 month period, I found my life getting smaller and smaller. I only went places when I had to and only went to places I knew, the grocery story, the doctor’s office and the bank. That’s it. I didn’t see my friends unless they came over to visit me. I never went out to do anything because I was basically afraid of injuring myself (which ultimately I did in spite of how much care I believed I was taking). One night when the fire alarm went off in my building, I accidentally tripped over a piece of concrete and nearly broke my ankle. I was off my feet for nearly three weeks and was totally dependent upon other people to bring me food from the store and to take me places. When I was mobile, I regularly tripped over fire hydrants, curbs, objects on the side walks, ran into people, etc. all the time. At one point I tripped over a fire hydrant and nearly broke my neck. And yet, I still held out hope that my vision would be coming back soon and that if I could just keep holding out a bit longer, my situation would get better and I would be able to put this period of my life behind me chalking it up as a dark period in my life that I had somehow managed to survive. Well, my hopes didn’t work out that way and I didn’t get my vision back the way I wished.

My health, unfortunately, continued to decline and as I grew increasingly ill and the restorative surgeries that were preformed on my left eye repeatedly failed, I began to realize that I couldn’t continue wishing for my life to get better. If I wanted my life back (or at least a more normal life than I was living) I would have to accept that I needed help and had to work to improve my situation rather than simply hoping that it would improve on its own. The final straw came for me one night when I found myself stuck in a downtown Los Angeles subway station at 10:00 pm in the evening. I had gone downtown to attend a disability application workshop that only occurred at night and even though I had great reservations about traveling around town at night, I was making the effort to improve my life and so, I took the chance and went. Well, after the workshop ended that evening, I managed to carefully make my way to the nearby subway station and, with great difficulty, find the down escalator and get onto the subway train without breaking my neck. Unfortunately, that evening, the subway trains stopped running in Los Angeles due to an unforeseen problem with the train tracks causing service to be suspended early for that day. I was stuck in the Wilshire/Vermont subway station with no way to get home.

Worse, I was alone. There was no one else in the subway station that could help me. I was stuck underground, I couldn’t see well enough to easily find my way around much less get my bearings and find an alternative way to get back to my apartment (which was nearly 10 miles from where I was at the time). I couldn’t see well enough to find a public telephone much less use it easily and besides, whom would I call at that hour? A cab ride back to my apartment from the downtown area would likely have cost me nearly $45 dollars and I had less than $7 dollars in my pocket and no way to get more money. None of my friends were available to me as they were all out of town or working. I was stuck. After fumbling around for a while (being terrified that I would go off the edge of the subway platform accidentally), I managed to find the up escalators and got myself up to the street level. I was totally turned around and it took me nearly 20 minutes to find Wilshire boulevard where I hoped I might be able to catch a bus that was headed towards the west side of Los Angeles. I found what I thought was a bus stop, hoping that it was on the side of the street headed in the direction which I wanted to go, and waited. Fortunately, a bus did come by and the driver stopped to pick me up even though, as it turns out, I was at the wrong bus stop for a bus that wasn’t running during the evening hours. I was never more grateful in my life.

I rode the bus to the corner of Wilshire and La Cienega boulevards where the bus driver told me that I would be able to catch a bus northbound that would take me relatively close to where I ultimately needed to go. Unfortunately, the bus driver didn’t know that, on La Cienega Boulevard, north and southbound busses stop running regularly after 8 pm. I found this out from a person passing by who saw me waiting at the bus stop and wasn’t sure that I knew that there wouldn’t be a bus coming until early the next morning. Again, I was stuck and this time I had no way to get home unless I was willing to walk. It was by then roughly 11:30 at night, I had no eyesight, no night vision at all and at least a two and a half mile walk ahead of me. I won’t lie, I cried. I’ve never been more terrified in my life. I had to force myself to take each step. The walk home was nearly impossible. I tripped over three curbs, ran into two fire hydrants, nearly got hit by half a dozen cars that I didn’t see coming as I crossed streets, it was terrible. For the first time in my life I really began to wonder if I would actually make it home alive. Miraculously, I did and at that moment I swore that I would never go through anything like that again. I finally accepted that, without help, I wasn’t going to be able to remain independent or continue to get around on my own. I just couldn’t put myself through that experience again.

A social worker at the UCLA Medical Center had put me in touch with the West Side Center for Independent Living and they, in turn, contacted the Center for the Partially Sighted in West Los Angeles on my behalf. Graciously, The Center for the Partially Sighted arranged for me to receive a cane and authorized several training sessions for me even though at the time I was unable to afford to pay for the services. They went above and beyond the call of duty on my behalf and for that I will always be grateful. Two weeks later, I received a call from Sophia Leduck who, was, at the time skeptical of my enthusiasm for learning to use a mobility cane. To her surprise, she found that I really did want a cane and once I had explained what I had been through, she understood where I was coming from. As I understand it, most people who begin mobility training with a cane do so unwillingly and resist the idea. I on the other hand, enthusiastically embraced my new cane and eagerly accepted the training. For me, the cane meant a newfound freedom and the confidence that I could get around safely.

My whole world changed. I was able to visit my friends again, go out to restaurants, travel on public transportation without fearing that I would fall from the bus while getting off onto the sidewalk and I didn’t fear tripping over curbs or running into fire hydrants any longer. My former life began to return to me all because of my cane. I loved my cane and became quite proficient with it in a short amount of time. I realized that the fear of using a cane was irrational. If other people thought less of me because I had to use a cane, that was their issue and not mine, I won't live my life just to please others or meet their expectations. If other people looked down on me because of my visual impairment, then they weren’t worth my time. All that mattered was my well-being and safety.

To my surprise, the help, which Sophia brought to me, didn’t end with mobility training. Together, we went through my home where she helped me by marking buttons on devices like my dishwasher so that I could more easily use it. She placed flagging tape on the clear glass of my shower door so that I wouldn’t accidentally put my hand or head through it because I couldn’t see it. She helped me learn how to safely use knives and cook in the kitchen, fill glasses with liquids without overflowing them, determine the differences between coins and make change properly and showed me how to read and effectively handle money. Improving my life skills training was an aspect of my life that I had never really contemplated and her unexpended help in this area greatly improved the quality of my life and my independence.

As good as my cane was, after a few close calls with some inconsiderate drivers who cut me off while I was crossing the street, I began to wonder if there was more that I could do for myself to even further improve my safety while out traveling around town. At the time I erroneously believed that I didn’t qualify for a guide dog because I still had some eyesight in my right eye. I mentioned my disappointment to Sophia who immediately set me straight. She told me that guide dogs were available to people who were legally blind as well as to people who were totally blind and that if I wanted to make the commitment that having a guide dog requires, I would qualify to receive one.

At this point I have to say that sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. In my new found sense of assuredness, after only brief consideration and unbeknown to me, I went right out and applied to one of the top guide dog schools in the world, Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California.

It isn’t that the school is exclusive in the typical sense of exclusivity, but they do have some fairly rigid requirements in regards to mobility, problem solving and comfortably level with your visual disability. Having a guide dog requires good orientation and mobility skills as well as good problem solving skills in order to be able to effectively handle the guide dog. Guide Dogs for the Blind generally prefers that a person have been living with their visual disability for a longer period of time than I had because a person, such as myself, who has only recently become visually impaired is unlikely to have accepted their visual disability and become comfortable with it. Not knowing any of this, I applied and then eagerly followed up with them. Sophia knew what I was getting myself into but had confidence me and in the idea that I could handle the rigorous mobility and problem solving evaluation which Guide Dogs for the Blind would put me through and therefore didn’t dissuade me from pursuing the application to the GDB program.

Well, the interview and street level mobility test was definitely an eye opening experience for me and challenged me to rise to the occasion and show what I could do and how confident that I really was in my mobility skills and ability to resolve problems that I might face working with a guide dog. I honestly didn’t know how I did in the test. I don’t want people to read this and be dissuaded from the idea of getting a guide dog, I only want them to be aware of the commitment and willingness to take the world head on each day that having a guide dog requires. Having a guide dog may not be for everyone, but it sure is wonderful. Needless to say I passed their evaluation and was accepted to their program. Four months later, at no expense to me, I was off to guide dog school where I was paired up with my new best friend, my guide dog Dobbs.

Guide dog school was an intense but exceedingly rewarding experience. As much as I loved the freedom my cane had given to me, traveling with a guide dog is just that much more amazing. Having a guide dog doesn’t completely replace your cane, you still need it for certain situations where working with your dog is impractical, but in general, having a guide dog is like the difference between driving around in your average mid-sized car and driving a Rolls Royce. Dobbs guides me around all the obstacles on the side walks, stops to show me curbs, watches out for reckless and rude drivers who might pose a danger when we are crossing the street and he does something my cane could never do for me, he watches out for obstacles that I might hit my head on. But even more that being my remarkable mobility aid, he’s my best buddy. We are never separated. He offers unconditional love and lets me know daily that he is as concerned about me as I am concerned about him.

Yes, properly caring for him is a big responsibility and one that is not to be taken lightly. They call it the guide dog lifestyle and living it does mean some significant changes in the way a person lives their life but the rewards that come from having a guide dog far outweigh the commitment it requires. I honestly now can’t imagine living my life without my guide dog even though we’ve only been together as a team for a short period of time. The confidence he gives me and the increased sense of safety that I have when I travel around Los Angeles is without comparison. Having him with me all the time is incredible. Sometimes when we’re stopped at an intersection waiting to cross the street, he’ll lean his body against my leg just to let me know that he’s thinking about how much he enjoys being out working with me. Dobbs is an amazing dog and I’m really blessed to have him in my life. Guide Dogs for the Blind is really like a family. They watch out for their students not only while you’re attending school but the also offer graduate services and help with postgraduate veterinary care.

I can’t say enough nice things about Guide Dogs for the Blind, the Center for the Partially Sighted or adequately express my gratitude to Sophia Leduck for all that she has done for me. Their help has been invaluable in meeting my goal of regaining my independence and self-confidence while dealing with the challenges that living with a visual disability daily confronts you with.